Does cow’s milk make you fat or help you lose weight?
In recent times, there have been many articles on whether it is worth drinking cow’s milk or whether it is better to avoid it. We took a closer look at the topic. But let’s start from the beginning and answer the question of what it actually is. It is a secretion from the mammary gland […]
Is there an obesity gene?
Obesity is one of the most serious civilization diseases of the 21st century. It means excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the body. What level of body fat are we discussing? In the case of women, this is a level above 25% of the total body weight, and in the case of men above 15%. […]
The gut – link to depression
Over the years and through research, experts and studies have increasingly highlighted the role of the intestines, the gut – link to depression in our body, often describing them as our “second brain.” But why? That is because the nervous system of the intestines is similar in structure to the nervous system. Both are based […]
Genes and diet – what do they have in common?
It would seem they are in no way related, however, this is a false assumption. The Genotype diet is a DNA-based diet that can be very effective. This diet can help prevent and even treat many diseases. In pop culture, the diet is most famous for its slimming properties. Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics are dynamically developing […]