Can the way you cut meat affect its taste?
Believe it or not, the way you cut meat—its direction, thickness, and technique—can significantly impact its taste, texture, and overall eating experience. When you cut a piece of meat correctly, you achieve the perfect balance of tenderness, flavor, and juiciness, transforming an ordinary dish into a culinary masterpiece. Understanding the structure of meat Muscle fibers, […]
How gluten is made and how to go gluten-free?
Gluten is one of the most talked-about ingredients in our food, often beloved for its role in baking or avoided for dietary reasons. But what exactly is gluten, how do we form it, and how can products — naturally gluten-containing grains — be labeled “gluten-free”? What is gluten? At its core, gluten is a protein […]
Love, Sugar, and Beauty: The Many Faces of Beetroot
Once upon a time, there was a beetroot. How long ago? Research shows that people were cultivating beetroots as early as the third millennium BC at the Neolithic site of Aartswoud in the Netherlands and in the Saqqara pyramid at Thebes, Egypt. Earlier cultivation is likely since Assyrian texts describe beets growing in the Hanging […]
Excluded, forbidden, banned- the evolution of food choices
While some foods have remained staples for thousands of years, others have fallen out of favor, banned, or forbidden, becoming taboo for various reasons.
Copper pots
There are different perceptions about restaurant kitchens. However, there is a certain detail that is often present in each image. Even the image of a movie kitchen is complemented by gracefully hanging copper pots. What’s so special about them? Why are they so popular, and does the element of copper not affect health? Copper pots […]
Does cow’s milk make you fat or help you lose weight?
In recent times, there have been many articles on whether it is worth drinking cow’s milk or whether it is better to avoid it. We took a closer look at the topic. But let’s start from the beginning and answer the question of what it actually is. It is a secretion from the mammary gland […]
What happens when you don’t drink enough water?
We hear all the time about drinking the right amount of water. Newspapers, television, and the Internet shout about it, especially during the hot summer. We all know that drinking water is important. But do we really know why? Drinking adequate amounts of water is necessary for us to live – there is no doubt […]
Huitlacoche – the Aztec caviar
One of the problems with crops is diseases that destroy harvest and spread quickly. Farmers have many solutions, such as fertilizers or crop rotation. In Mexico, however, maize disease was treated in a very different way. Centuries ago, the Aztec tribes realized that they could make use of infected plants. Corn stalk is a plant […]
What is chocolate tempering?
Let’s talk about something sweet again! What comes to your mind first? Chocolate, of course! Today we come to you with an interesting topic. Do you know what chocolate tempering is? It’s not a very common term and we won’t be surprised if it’s your first time hearing about it. So let’s start from the […]
A Culinary Odyssey with Chef Albert Adrià
At the core of Chef Albert's culinary ethos lies a profound connection with the product and a deep appreciation for its seasonality. He passionately declared, "This is my karma—what is the product? This is what characterizes my work—the product, the seasonality of the product."