Can we imagine a world without plastic packaging and disposable bags? Plastic is ingrained in our lives more than we think and more than we see. Therefore, all actions regulating and limiting the use of this material are in line with the idea of sustainable development, which includes, among other things, taking care of the […]

Smoking food is one of the oldest and most popular preservation methods known to humans. For centuries, people have used smoke to preserve food, enhance its flavor, and extend its shelf life. The process involves exposing food to heat and the chemical compounds contained in smoke, which reduces the water content and causes chemical and physicochemical changes. This article will delve deeper into the art of smoking food, including the types of wood used, the different smoking methods, and some ti

Sustainability in living was a trend a few years ago. Today, it is a way to make conscious consumer decisions and express concern for the environment, climate, and even the community. The topic is very extensive and, although the amount of information may initially overwhelm us, by devoting a little attention we can contribute to […]

The colors and general appearance of the food are crucial to the taste. We wouldn’t eat a blue tomato with that much appetite (it would probably bring to mind mold and rot); or a yellow blueberry (that would seem sour and unripe). But not only the look of the food affects the taste experience – […]

The science behind the process Have you ever heard of the Maillard reaction? It was first described by the French chemist Louis-Camille Maillard in 1912, and it is also referred to as non-enzymatic browning. It affects the final taste of the products and the color of the food. Where can this phenomenon be observed? Welcome […]

Food Meets Science is gathering place to connect all food lovers from all over the world and create a community of all those for whom food and science is passion.